LonCon begins without me. Plus: I drop the price of The Outskirter’s Secret


The World Science Fiction Convention begins today!  In London!  Without me.

Instead, I’m getting daily radiation therapy.  Which is way more important, as it will, you know, possibly save my life.  So, I’m okay with that particular trade-off.

But in honor of WorldCon (or actually,  to shamelessly take advantage of WorldCon), I’ve dropped the price on The Outskirter’s Secret ebook.   Which means that both Book 1 and Book 2 are currently bargain-priced.

This, to tempt any persons at WorldCon who might hear my name, hear others speak well of my books, and then look me up on their cellphones (or mobiles, or handies, as they are called in the UK and on the continent) — and discover that The Steerswoman is a mere  1.86 GBP, and The Outskirter’s Secret just  2.44 GBP!

Low enough to take a chance on.

And once they buy those two, I figure  I’ve got ’em.  Ha, as Bel would say.

Ack! Must run off to radiation therapy now!


22 Responses to “LonCon begins without me. Plus: I drop the price of The Outskirter’s Secret”

  • Wendrie Heywood Says:

    Well it worked for me – was searching for something else with world con and your books came up. Searched for you and found this post! Looking forward to reading these whilst traveling to and from World Con over the next few days.

    Good luck with the treatment.

  • Beth Says:

    Well, I’m not at LonCon either, but I was looking for something to put on my son’s NOOK and that’s a great suggestion. Especially since I have the others on my shelves but he has a horror of reading series out of order. In this case, he’s probably right.

  • Timill Says:

    What? A whole $7 plus tax? Money well spent…

    May you gain superpowers from your irradiation!

  • Christine Says:

    I bought your first book based on a review by James Nicoll. He may have gotten his book second hand, but a lot of people read his reviews and so he probably gained you many more royalties than you lost by his purchase! http://james-davis-nicoll.dreamwidth.org/7833487.html

    Loved that book, bought the rest in the series. I wish you good health so that you can write more! 🙂 (ok, and just because cancer sucks and I hate it.)

  • Anne Says:

    Thank you for the discount and the great books 🙂 I read The Steerswoman last month and really enjoyed it. I’ve just bought The Outskirter’s Secret thanks to this discount and will be getting the other two books in the next couple of months. Wishing you all the best with your treatment and looking forward to reading the books you are planning.

  • Jeff Says:

    On my way to buy The Steerswoman at Smashwords (James Nicoll sent me too), I spied a typo in the description for that book there. Doubled “the”: “denied the the steerswomen: Magic” FYI. Thanks for the sale, and all hope for success in your treatment.

    • Rosemary Says:

      Ooh, good catch! Luckily, that’s something I can fix just about instantly!

      It seems that a lot of people found their way to my books through James Nicoll. Also Jo Walton’s review on Tor.com.

      • Kay Shapero Says:

        Was also referred by James Nichol, but sometime last year iirc. His luck may be outre, but his taste is excellent.

      • Michael Grosberg Says:

        I remember seeing references to The Steerswoman books on Usenet, and I’m not sure – it was quite a while ago – but it might have been Nicoll as well!

        • Rosemary Says:

          I think that gentleman has done me a lot of good… As has Jo Walton, I believe.

          And for that matter, all the readers who gave me positive reviews on Amazon when the paperbacks first came out; those reviews got automatically attached to the ebooks.

  • Sean Says:

    Another referral from James Nicoll. Looking forward to diving in.

  • Kaitlyn Says:

    I was also pointed towards Steerswoman via James, and yay! I’m so glad I was!

    Which vendor should I choose to net you the largest share? I’m in Canada, if any of them are region-specific.

    • Rosemary Says:

      Smashwords gets me the most bang for your buck. But for ease of purchase and download, just use whatever vendor your ebook-reading device loves best. The royalty rate for ebooks is so much better than the rate for any format paper book, that every vendor is is fine!

  • Jason H Says:

    Bought em all. Because: uber portable!

    Glad you’re coming thru this. Inspired I am!

  • Kay Shapero Says:

    Yes, I can understand choosing life over Worldcon (where I’m not either – it’s in London. I’m in Los Angeles.) Already have bought and read all four of the series: anybody who sees this and hasn’t go do so Right Now. Will there be a fifth someday, or is that too far ahead to think of right now.

    • Rosemary Says:

      Well, it’s not too far ahead to think of, as it’s currently just about the only thing I’m thinking about. I’ve got the house to myself for the rest of the month, and I won’t be going back to the dreaded DayJob until September. I feel pretty good, if I don’t try to do too many physical things in a day. I’m no longer worried about my prognosis, so I don’t feel like the Grim Reaper is breathing down my neck… So it’s a good time to clear out the mental cobwebs, and go through Book 5 and see how I can sort out all the stuff I wrote in bits and pieces at odd moments, and make it make sense.

      So… working on it.

  • bawa Says:

    Daughter at WorldCon today, missing you but found Patrick Rothfuss, bumped into George RR Martin on the way, & now seems to be searching for Jo Walton.

    So glad re good news about your treatment.

  • Kay Emae Says:

    I went and bought the first two tonight, while catching up on email and livejournal tonight. I got the referral about the sale from James Nicol and will probably go back for books 3 & 4 in due course, but it is a reread for me on the first two.

    One of my best friends in NZ has the first two books in hardcopy and loves them so made me read them. I have also pointed the link her way.

  • Katy Says:

    Just wanted to wish you well. I picked up a recommendation for The Steerswoman a couple of months back, so unrelated to you dropping the price for the conference, but have now read and loved the first 3, and have the 4th ready to go. I’m also busy recommending them in turn to anyone who stands still long enough, so being able to mention that they’re currently discounted is great. I hope a few other new readers turn up as a result. I haven’t loved a series this much in I don’t know how long.

  • Kris Says:

    I hope your treatments are going well. I just finished the 4th book and as an avid reader I must tell you how much I enjoyed them! I love your writing style and the plot is always surprising me. Can’t wait for the next one to see if my guesses are right 🙂

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