“I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night.” — Sarah Williams
I believe this is the last of the Darlene scarves I have to show you…
She has a series of these, variations on a theme. Click for big version.
The quote from Galileo — he’s my guy!
[UPDATE: The quote is actually from the poetry of Sarah Williams, The Old Astronomer to His Pupil, (Thank you r2 for setting me straight.) Galileo’s still my guy, but now I want to know more about Sarah Williams…]
Though, perhaps for me it’s really: I have loved the night so fondly, how could I not love stars?
I’m happier at night. I operate better at night, in general. I’m actually smarter at night. Don’t know why.

I've definitely needed inspiration today. Seriously.
Given that I can’t be a night-dweller, with this DayJob, I try to bring in the night as much as possible. My screen-saver at work cycles through NASA images.

Like the Falling Stars scarf, but not falling; like the Dwellers in the Veil, but with stars.
Today is truly unpleasant at the DayJob, and more to come with overtime… Plus: weekly confab with my Boss.