Quick post.
Yep. It was chemo day.
First time, and I feel pretty good so far. Tired, but not bad.
Still working on the many replies to all the supportive comments and emails… you guys are great.   I’ll post a note when I’ve replied to all.
In other news: Amazon still has not got back to me about allowing the early purchasers to get a corrected version of The Steerswoman, without that peculiar issue where “replace” was replaced with “With”.  It’s only 25 occurrences in the entire book, but I tried to stress to Amazon that my readers needed the real version!  They say they are reviewing the issue.
Well, it’s the holidays and real people at Amazon have to make the decision, so it might be a bit.  If we get no action, I’ll consider alternate ways to make this right.
Hey, know what I did during chemo? I wrote.
Take that, cancer!

Chemo & me.
December 30th, 2013 at 11:12 pm
Yeah, take that! Ha. Well begun is half done, so the saying goes. Thanks for keeping us posted. {{Hugs}} (but gently)
December 30th, 2013 at 11:14 pm
A hit, a palpable hit! Writing is an excellent way to keep the opponent off-balance–may there be much more of it!
December 30th, 2013 at 11:25 pm
Best of all to you. Happiest of new years when this cancer thing has been driven out. Bam! Pow!
January 4th, 2014 at 11:50 pm
Many thanks! We’ll zap it with pure science!
December 31st, 2013 at 4:40 am
I accompanied my sister for 8 of the 18 weeks of her weekly chemo (there are another 2 of us sisters who covered the rest if the caretaking stints). It is accumulative, so prepare yourself as you go further. Most important to keep your body as healthy as possible. So lots of fresh fruit, freshly cooked good food, avoiding eating out
, and mostly, avoiding being in contact with too many people to minimize danger of infection. Body is at low, and infection leads to chemo pause= not good! So lots of skyping :). Also, no cut flowers, as they produce a lot of spores. We just gave ours away to the neighborhours! It will be fine, writing woul should take care of the tedium times.
All the best…
January 1st, 2014 at 8:16 am
Hope the chemo is gentle on you and tough on the cancer.
January 4th, 2014 at 1:09 am
Oh man, my husband and I just got back from his third infusion. He’s trying to do it without a port… we’ll see how this goes.
One thing to know is that they can dilute the dose – give you extra saline along with it – or drip it more slowly. The more slowly made a difference.
Seconding the idea of trying to avoid germs. Your whole immune sstem is taking a big hit. I’ve stashed hand wipes in the car, in Tom’s office on campus, by the front door. Ordinarily I don’t do the cover-the-earth-in-antibiotics thing, but this is the time to do it.
Also – very Berkeley and all – we’re doing acupuncture (residual surgery pain) and astriligus and Reishi mushrooms. Might help.