Official steerswomen’s ring
Well, actually, any ring shaped like a mobius band will do. And there are plenty of them around.
But a few years back, when the ring I was wearing got to be too tight too often (combination of age and intermittent general hand-swelling from much usage), I searched high and low and near and far, scouring the web for the perfect replacement.  I wanted something sturdy enough to wear every day, that really featured the half-twist, and was not out of my price range. I knew I’d have to pay more than just a few bucks, if I wanted quality, but there was a limit to how high I could go.
And this is what I finally came up with. It’s by Christina Kober Designs, and it’s available on Etsy.
The price is $96, which is more than I’d ever normally pay for a ring.  I’m just not a self-decoration person; never have been. But there are a few things that I love, and want to wear all the time. And considering that I would wear this ring every single day, it was a reasonable investment.
I love it. In fact, when this year my ring size went up yet another half-size (because: life), I did not hesitate. Plunked down another $96.
I gave the old one to Sabine — and actually, that one is the very ring that appears on the cover of the ebook of The Steerswoman.
This was worth doing…
But as I say, any mobius-band ring will do, if you want to get that Steerswomanly feeling. The very first one I had cost maybe twenty bucks. It broke, eventually, however.
So: unsolicited, unpaid testimonial. If there can be such a thing as an official steerswoman’s ring, this would be it.
In other news: I’m back from my retreat-while-staying-in-place.
Other other news: I need to do it again this weekend. It’s exactly what I need to do. Think I’ll do it every weekend this month.
March 11th, 2015 at 9:41 pm
Wow. Yes, that’s something I’d wear.
March 11th, 2015 at 9:49 pm
I think that’s a good idea, actually.
March 12th, 2015 at 8:28 am
My precious!
March 12th, 2015 at 11:24 am
I believe I’m going to treat myself to this ring, just because. I have an official sigil ring for Yarbro’s Comte de Saint-Germain, which was a limited edition, and I cherish it. Pretty sure I’ll cherish my Steerswoman’s ring, too. Thanks for the character and the link.
March 12th, 2015 at 11:34 am
Done. This is the wide version; there’s also a narrow version for $76.
March 13th, 2015 at 8:18 am
Ooh, neat! I’d buy it, if I hadn’t a friend who’ll make our wedding rings Möbius rings. (Also silver, though polished to a shine.)