Worldcon — the panels
More about my time at the World Science Fiction Convention in Spokane: this time, the panels (I only attended as part of the audience, and was not on the program myself).
(Normally I’d have link on each person’s name, connecting to their website — but I’m just too beat tonight. There are lots of names! Maybe I’ll come back later. Until then, there’s Google.)
The “Comfort Reading” Panel (with Louise Marley, Lawrence Schoen, Christie Meierz, Jason Hough and Jo Walton), suffered from a bit of confusion as to what the panel was supposed to be about — whether it was what you read to relax, or what you turn to when you actually need comfort or reassurance.  Regardless, the discussion was interesting in both directions.  Jason Hough admitted that James Bond is a nice relaxing read for him; Lawrence Schoen turns to Bujold’s Miles Vorkasigan series.  Jo reached way back to Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” as an important work in her early life.  Someone brought up Dune as a book one rereads over and over; and of course Lord of the Rings.  (For me, it’s hard to separate relaxing reading from exciting reading, because I find newness and weirdness inherently refreshing. But for comfort and reassurance, it’s YA. I’ve been known to go all the way back to the Heinlein juveniles. Recent favorites: anything by Scott Westerfeld, and Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching series.)
Brother Guy Consolmagno, of the Vatican Observatory, won the Carl Sagan Sagan Medal this year, which is awarded for outstanding communication to the general public by a working planetary scientist. One of the duties that come with that is to present a speech to the general public, as part of his acceptance of the award. And he chose to have Sasquan be the place he would give that speech, a nice touch I think. Brother Guy is an excellent science communicator, and very enthusiastic, geekily charming and scientifically inspiring. (Not religiously inspiring, for me: atheist, here.) I was glad to hear his talk, which was about “Discarded Worlds” — all the different views of cosmology that almost got it right, and how they worked, up to a point, until each was superseded by a better explanation.
The Star Party, which was supposed to happen right after the speech, with telescopes and amateur astronomers arrayed all through the adjacent park, was a washout. Due to a) clouds and b) smoke.
I mentioned the smoke, right? Wildfires in Washington state.
James C Glass did a solo presentation on Australian Aboriginal views of Astronomy, which was a bit difficult to follow, as his slides were missing! They showed up later, but then were rushed.
Brother Guy did a solo presentation as well, on Vesta and what the New Dawn mission’s info suggests about the early formation of the solar system. Some nice crunchy science, there.
The panel on “Medieval Science and Engineering” was fun, too. Bradford Lyau moderated, with (again!) Brother Guy, Ada Palmer, Jo Walton and Eric Swedin, talking about how the supposedly Dark Ages had a lot more science going on than the general public realizes.
Also, a presentation about the Book View Cafe, a cooperative of self-published authors (all of whom have a track record in traditional publishing — it’s a prerequisite for membership). The talked about what they are, what they do, and how they help each other do it. The members present: Brenda Clough, Jeffrey A. Carver (that man is everywhere!), Vonda McIntyre, Nancy Jane Moore and Pat Nagle.
The Rare Books panel, with Jo Walton, Ada Palmer, Fred Lerner, and Lauren Schiller, was taken over by the visual aids: actual books hundreds of years old, passed around hand to hand.
And as mentioned before: Kate Elliot’s solo presentation on Narrative Structure and Expectation.
And that covers it: panels I attended at Worldcon.   I don’t think I left any out…
Okay, I really have to turn in now: workday tomorrow!
September 2nd, 2015 at 12:33 am
You mentioned Book View Cafe. I’m a great fan of theirs – I buy a lot of ebooks and I prefer them to any other seller I’ve dealt with. The only time I had a problem it was sorted out very quickly, with added squee because the response email was from Vonda McIntyre.
September 2nd, 2015 at 1:27 am
I almost never re-read books, my comfort reading is always the next thing. I read a fair amount of YA, because sometimes it is thinned out, but sometimes it is distilled down. Sometimes I get very lucky, like with “Singing the Dogstar Blues”. Or Dreamhunter/Dreamquake (Elizabeth Knox). Or “Crown Duel” and “Court Duel” (Sherwood Smith).
There are some authors who are just too long-winded for me in their “adult” fiction, but totally on target in YA.
On the other hand, I just discovered Dorothy Dunnet, which gives me a lot of satisfying reading in the future.
September 3rd, 2015 at 10:34 am
Not surprising you like Tiffany, she’s kinda like Rowan, no? Observant and all that … 😉
Last book was horribly disappointing, though :/
September 7th, 2015 at 7:48 pm
By “that last book,” I assume you mean previous book. Raising Steam? Yeah…
September 8th, 2015 at 6:29 am
I actually meant Shepherd’s Crown.
Maybe it’s just a case of over-blown expectations or I wasn’t in the right mood or something, but it largely felt like a sort of mash-up of the other TA novels with just about nothing new. Pretty much all plot devices and jokes were done in one of the other TA novels before ^^;
Reviews seem to be rather positive, but half of them go on about how it’s the last one etc. and less about what the book actually does …
September 3rd, 2015 at 9:54 pm
Not on the subject of this post, and I apologize.
I just found “The Steerswoman” on Thursday of last week and bought and read all four books since. It was recommended to me as fantasy and it was my absolute joy to realize it was sci fi.
I have never been so delighted with a series or for so many reasons. I love the values presented, I love the order of steerswomen, I love the strong friendships and Rowan’s ability to forgive.
Thank you so much for your words.
September 7th, 2015 at 7:46 pm
Karen —
Thanks so much for your kind words! It’s really encouraging to me to hear from readers — not like the olden days, before easy Internet access. On the days when the day-job eats up my time and energy, notes like yours give me a real boost. So, thanks.
September 13th, 2015 at 5:08 pm
Hmmm…comfort reading, interesting idea. My go to is often Zenna Henderson in the massive NESFA anthology version. Second choice, Nathan Lowell’s Solar Clipper series.
When I want to be discomfited, I reread the Steerswoman series. 🙂 I’ll now have to buy them in ebook. Much more convenient. Very close second choice, anything by MA Foster.
I have a thing for unique, nothing-like-it, sf. Darned inconvenient.
Jack Tingle