Fixed and live!
The corrections have been made, and the corrected version is now live on Anyone who bought it after 9:27PM on December 24th has the version with the fixes.
I’ve asked Amazon to email everyone who bought the earlier version, and to activate their ability to download the corrections.  This has to be done on Amazon’s end.   Since I bought a copy for myself, I’ll know when those emails go out.
I’m beat!
Plus: in proper German tradition, we did our present exchange on Christmas Eve. Sabine is now the proud possessor of the DVD’s for the first two seasons of Game of Thrones, and the third season will be delivered to her as soon as it’s released!
I received a device that carbonates your tap-water, so you can make your own sodas, which will help me out with the immense amounts of water they want me to drink when the chemo starts.
And also this:

No, not a copy of The Steerswoman — the iPad it’s on!
I’m stunned! This will help me a LOT when I’m stuck in chemo and want to write, since my actual laptop has all the bells and whistles and as a result weighs a ton. The iPad will be much more portable.
Whew.  Whirlwind of publishing the book; being told of the errors (ack!); fixing the errors; upload, emailing Amazon to get them to send out the emails and stuff. Plus: actual Christmas.
Okay, I’m done for the night.
Merry holiday of your choice occurring around this time of year!