Doing a bit of catch-up here — two weekends in a row chock-full of running around apparently requires at least one full weekend of Not Much of Anything Except Naps and Leisurely Walks.
The usual Post-Readercon get-together took place, with fellow authors Ann Zeddies and Geary Gravel. We hung out, talked a lot, did not stint on the wine and other imbibables, ate excellent dinners, enjoyed selected audiovisual entertainments, and shared some work in progress. Also: executed our now-traditional collage art works. The last few years we’ve been covering book-shaped boxes with collages, which has the advantage of resulting in an item that can be put on a shelf, as opposed to yet another thing to hang on one’s wall, when all the wall space has already been used up, so that the new artwork ends up admired for a day and then consigned to the basement for eternity.
Mine, Geary’s, Ann’s
(Because many images follow, I’ll put a page break here, so your browser won’t load them all unless you’re actually interested in seeing them. Alas, this doesn’t work if you come here via facebook or through a feed; you just get all the pictures and it will take FOR. EV. ER.)
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9 comments | tags: And you mousers should remember to hover over the pics for the extra message!, DRMRL, Gabe Gill, Gabriel Gill, Kobo, Soldier, steerswoman, steerswoman ebooks, Tieren
Young Gabriel Gill, son of my pal and fellow author Geary Gravel, has started up a blog, festooned with his remarkable illustrations.
I’m hoping he’ll add some of his prose work as well.
But I must admit to being jealous that he has recently been to both Animation Camp and Graphic Novel Camp. They did not have any such things when I was 13!
Of course, if they had, I doubt my parents would have understood the extreme importance of my attending them.
Come to think of it…. there were no graphic novels when I was 13. Only comics. Yes, I’m that old.
In other news: Go see Inception. I won’t post any spoilers (yet). But I will say that it was brilliantly written, brilliantly executed.  I’ll say more at a slightly later date.
Sigh. Must turn in soon, to be awake for the DayJob tomorrow.
But I will play some guitar first, so as not to forget that I’m capable of doing so.
4 comments | tags: Gabriel Gill, Geary Gravel, gibson hummingbird, Gillustration, Inception
I just got here, and look what Ann Zeddies already did:
I like this picture. I should use it as my avatar!
Drawn on her iPad. Yes, she has an iPad.
I didn’t want one, until I held it. Now: tech lust!
[added later: if you don’t generally check the hovertext on the images I post here (and you should, you know!), you will have missed that “Chrysalis” is a short story by Gabriel Gill, the son of my pal and fellow author Geary Gravel]
6 comments | tags: Ann Tonsor Zeddies, Chrysalis, Gabriel Gill, Geary Gravel, ipad drawing