The white light of my reason, the prism of my heart.
I acquired this one not by paying money, but by trading one of my books to Darlene.

The tones are so rich....
She calls it a “color test” — just experimenting, to see what happens. It came out gorgeous, as you can see.

How can colors this pure blend into each other?
At several points today, when thing got absolutely dreadful (computers down, phones down, urgent messages from suppliers via our answering service, having to recite our entire payroll over the phone so we could get paid this week — all numbers, no words, all urgent, no excuses) I just leaned back, pulled out one end of the scarf, picked a color, and gazed.

Just color
I’m indifferent to fashion, really — but I understand the impulse to want to own, and show, and carry with you, true beauty.
That’s not fashion, that’s art.